build. better. future

Towards a Brighter Future. 5 days full of celebration for the art and ecology!


In a celebration that resonated with creativity, passion, and a profound commitment to sustainability, the recently established International Street Art Festival, organised by the City Friend Club, proved to be a resounding success. From October 15 to 19, 5 days full of fun and creativity, Limassol's historic old town was not just a backdrop but a canvas for an extraordinary fusion of art and ecology, bringing together esteemed graffiti artists, eco-conscious workshops, and dedicated volunteers in an event showcasing creativity's power in inspiring change.

The festival’s underlying message was clear: Limassol, and by extension, the world, can be transformed into a brighter, greener place through the harmonious blend of art and ecology. The creative expression exhibited during these five days was a celebration of talent and a call to action— a reminder that everyone can contribute to a sustainable future, inviting everyone to join the celebrations.

bbf: proudly sponsored the International Street Art Festival and actively celebrated the festival's mission with the creative energy of enthusiastic young visitors, crafting a vibrant canvas with imaginary scenery featuring green landscapes surrounded by urban development within healthy buildings and cities. At bbf: we actively create the future in which we envision our clients living. Our commitment lies in designing and developing healthy development projects for our clients to live in, ensuring spaces that meet our customers’ needs and harmonise seamlessly with the natural environment.
